November 03, 2017

Class J25 - Teacher Domingos - Asa Sul - Our Planets


The students created their own planets, using a large Spirograph, and wrote some information about them. 
They also used some paper plates to make a spaceship and an alien.

Class J25 - Teacher Domingos - Asa Sul - The Solar System

The Solar System

Are there aliens in the solar system? We are not sure, but we know there are eight planets that go around the Sun. And that all of the eight planets can fit the size of the Sun! For this project, we used washers, a hanger, a CD, and twist ties.

Class J25 - Teacher Domingos - Asa Sul - Dinosaurs


In order to identify the parts of the body, the students participated in a station session, in which they could perform different tasks: draw a dinosaur, count the number of dinosaurs, label the dinosaur, and look for the dinosaurs in augmented reality (Dinosaurs! app).

Class 25 - Teacher Domingos - Asa Sul - Our City Plans


After learning the different places in town, the students created a city plan and identified the location of theses places: "across from" or "next to"?


Class J25 - Teacher Domingos - Asa Sul - Our Food Preferences


Here are the projects the students developed to show what food they like and what food they don't like.

Class J408 - Ciman Outpost - Teacher Abimael

What do you do? Where do you work? 

How do I get there?

We had lots of fun building our own little town and talking about our dream jobs! 

Check it out:

Resultado de imagem para that's all folks

Hey! Wait! Just before you go, check some of the many conversation activities we did in class:

That's it, y'all!!! We hope you have liked it! 
Bye-bye!! =)

J208-A - Mackenzie - Teacher Karina

Just a Note

Dear Junior parents, The semester has finished and the Junior students have accomplished so much. They have been involved with their Englis...